Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Downfall Of Hardbacks Essays - Entertainment, Book,

The Downfall Of Hardbacks In todays world filled with technology and mechanical science, it is difficult to foresee the future of books as we know them. Before the age of computerized wisdom and technological entertainment, means of leisure and amusement were few and far between. Without the luxuries of television, stereo, and internet, passive entertainment was nonexistent. To escape the rigors of everyday life, people could not just lose themselves in an abyss of pixels, but were forced to find other ways to flee reality. Literature became a way out. As long as humans have been able to think, stories have been passed from person to person and generation to generation. These stories provided endless amusement and entertainment to a population with little else to do. Those who needed escape found outlet in these spoken words. As language developed and writing began, these stories found themselves etched into tablets and paper being forever chronicled into history. As stories became longer and more involved, the individual papers lengthened into volumes. With technology growing, these hand written volumes were able to be mass printed. These books could now be distributed to a vast array of people. Like our movies and television shows today, the novels and stories became a way for people to find adventure, love, and excitement. Books took people to a world they were not accustomed to, often one far better than the one in which they were living. Technology continually expanded, and eventually, newfound devices such as radio and television became new ways that the spread of stories could take place. The ease of these devices resulted in an apathy for literature. People did not want to take the extra effort, however minimal, to manually turn hundreds of pages. Books were now for those unconventional people who loved literature and the written word. Now with movies, DVDs, the internet, and compact discs, bound books are becoming obsolete. The stories are intact, yet the words are no longer written. I believe that literature will continue to play a vital role in the worlds society. I also believe, however, that books in the form we know today will slowly disappear. As technology grows, so does the laziness of the human race. People will not read if they can hear, see, or even be a part of the stories they long to have. Eventually they will not only be able to read these beloved stories; they will experience them. People will still seek an escape from their everyday lives, and the human imagination will continue to flourish as it always has. Yet as the fantasy becomes easier and easier to obtain, the effort to acquire it will decrease, however unfortunate that is. People will continue to put their thoughts into words, be it through script, email, or letter. Language will not be forgotten, nor will be the classic literature we have gained thus far. The timeless stories we have come to love will remain a part of our history, and may eventually even be improved upon. There is no way to tell what the future may bring. Technology will continue to flourish, and ultimately we may be able to actually be a part of the stories we once merely kept in our minds. While literature in novel form may fade into history, the words, ideas, and themes kept within their pages will remain in our society and in our minds forever. English Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Converting Cubic Meters to Liters (m3 to L)

Converting Cubic Meters to Liters (m3 to L) Cubic meters and liters are two common metric units of volume. There are three typical ways to convert cubic meters (m3) to liters (L). The first method walks through all the math and helps explain why the other two work; the second completes an immediate volume conversion in a single step; the third method demonstrates just how many places to move the decimal point (no math required). Key Takeaways: Convert Cubic Meters to Liters Cubic meters and liters are two common metric units of volume.1 cubic meter is 1000 liters.The simplest way to convert cubic meters to liters is to move the decimal point three places to the right. In other words, multiply a value in cubic meters by 1000 to get the answer in liters.To convert liters to cubic meters, you simply need to move the decimal point three places to the left. In other words, divide a value in liters by 1000 to get an answer in cubic meters. Meters to Liters Problem Problem: How many liters are equal to 0.25 cubic meters? Method 1: How to Solve m3 to L The explanatory way to solve the problem is to first convert cubic meters into cubic centimeters. While you might think this is just a simple matter of moving the decimal point of 2 places, remember this is volume (three dimensions), not distance (two). Conversion factors needed 1 cm3 1 mL100 cm 1 m1000 mL 1 L First, convert cubic meters to cubic centimeters. 100 cm 1 m(100 cm)3 (1 m)31,000,000 cm3 1 m3since 1 cm3 1 mL1 m3 1,000,000 mL or 106 mL Next, set up the conversion so the desired unit will be cancelled out. In this case, we want L to be the remaining unit. volume in L (volume in m3) x (106 mL/1 m3) x (1 L/1000 mL)volume in L (0.25 m3) x (106 mL/1 m3) x (1 L/1000 mL)volume in L (0.25 m3) x (103 L/1 m3)volume in L 250 L Answer: There are 250 L in 0.25 cubic meters. Method 2: The Simplest Way The previous solution explains how expanding a unit to three dimensions affects the conversion factor. Once you know how it works, the simplest way to convert between cubic meters and liters is simply to multiply cubic meters by 1000 to get the answer in liters. 1 cubic meter 1000 liters so to solve for 0.25 cubic meters: Answer in Liters 0.25 m3 * (1000 L/m3)Answer in Liters 250 L Method 3: The No-Math Way Or, easiest of all, you could just move the decimal point 3 places to the right. If youre going the other way (liters to cubic meters), then you simply move the decimal point three places to the left. You dont have to break out the calculator or anything. Check Your Work There are two quick checks you can do to make sure you performed the calculation correctly. The value of the digits should be the same. If you see any numbers that werent there before (except zeros), you did the conversion incorrectly.1 liter 1 cubic meter. Remember, it takes a lot of liters to fill a cubic meter (a thousand). A liter is like a bottle of soda or milk, while a cubic meter is if you take a meter stick (approximately the same distance as how far apart your hands are when you stretch your arms out to your sides) and put it into three dimensions. When converting cubic meters to liters, the liters value should be a thousand times more. Its a good idea to report your answer using the same number of significant figures. In fact, not using the right number of significant digits may be considered a wrong answer!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Music and Bible in James Baldwin's Sonny's Blues Research Paper

Music and Bible in James Baldwin's Sonny's Blues - Research Paper Example Music also provides the context for which the narrator finally sees his brother for who he is at the end of the story while playing jazz music. The unnamed narrator of ‘Sonny’s Blues’ engages an estranged and strained relationship with his brother throughout the story. While each is not trying to out-do the other in terms of impressing other people or gaining acclaim of any kind as is the case in most conventional sibling rivalries, it is their opposing lifestyles and attitudes which are fighting against each other as the narrator cannot accept his brothers actions and constantly attempts to coax him into a more traditional and ‘normal’ lifestyle like his own as he does not understand Sonny’s self-destructive behaviours, â€Å""Tell me," I said at last, "why does he want to die? He must want to die, he's killing himself, why does he want to die?" (38). Though the narrator has largely ignored his troubled younger brother for many years, when he does reach out to him while in jail, their lack of communication is evident as the narrator realises that he does not really know his brother at all. His mother asks him to watch out for his brother, "You got to hold on to your brother," she said, "and don't let him fall, no matter what it looks like is happening and no matter how evil you gets with him" (104), but has not done so for years. At the beginning of the story, the narrator sees news of his brother’s trouble in the newspaper and it is only because of this report that â€Å"Sonny became real to [him] again† (Baldwin 3). The narrator enjoys a conventional and respectable lifestyle – he is married with a family, maintains a full-time teaching job and is a respected member of the community in which he grew up. In stark contrast with this, the younger brother Sonny, has engaged in drug use since a very young age and has been in trouble with the law consistently. Feeling extremely trapped in his life by fa cing obstacles typical of that of a black man in Harlem during the 1960s, Sonny represents the problems faced by that community at that particular time (Reilly 56). The dynamics of this relationship is greatly reflective of the biblical story of Cain and Abel from the book of Genesis (Tackach). In the story, Cain is portrayed as being extremely sinful and kills his brother Abel. Though an extreme comparison, the fundamental differences between Cain and Abel and the tensions this causes, reflect the difference between the narrator and his brother as Sonny appears to be corrupted with temptation and sin while the narrator enjoys a highly moral, acceptable and conventional lifestyle. From the very beginning of the story right through to the end, music plays an extremely fundamental and important role in this narrative. It is through music that the narrator finally understands his brother, feels his passion and sees his unique and positive qualities. When he first sees Sonny after his s tint in jail, he initially does not recognise him â€Å"Yet, when he smiled, when we shook hands, the baby brother I’d never known looked out from the depths of his private life, like an animal waiting to be coaxed into the light† (Baldwin 35). It is not until the very end of the story, when he and Sonny go to a jazz club